Writers: Be Smart, Be Kind, Be Wise
Every six thirty a.m., a cacophony rends through the Alcala house. The Alcala family furiously brushes their teeth, toasts breakfast, and...

An Interview for New Writers
I love college. Each day, your future unfolds before you, possibilities limitless. Luckily, I have the privilege of going back, in a way,...

"A Dead End Job" is Here!
I give you 💀A DEAD END JOB 📖 Join Ned the undead hitman as he interns for Death. If you love absurdist fiction, urban fantasy or...

Hahaha! You have to take this Buzzfeed "A Dead End Job" Quiz
“Lilith, my oldest work-friend since… well, friends became a thing. Unmentionables weren’t around when dinosaurs and other...

Death's Countdown Begins
The countdown begins. We are 32 DAYS away from the release of “A DEAD END JOB.” I can’t wait for you to meet Death, Buck, Idaho Face, the...

“The Bard and the King” The Art of Not Selling Out
There once was a bard and king that decided to trade places. The bard wanted a royal audience to help make him the most celebrated artist...

Join me for "The Devil in the Wide City" Book Tour
"The Devil in the Wide City" Release Party Date: July 09, 2016 05:00PM -- July 09, 2016 08:00PM Venue: Bucket O Blood Bookstore,...

Win an Ebook Copy of "The Devil in the Wide City"
Hello readers, Below is a bona fide link to the Zharmae Publishing Press Giveaway, “The Devil in the Wide City.” Supplies are limited, so...

The Parking Lot Goose
Chicago is no stranger to the goose. Its home to Goose Island, The Mother Goose Parade, and it supports one of the largest Canadian Geese...

The "Consumed" Horror Novel Giveaway
As part of our excitement for Justin Alcala's next novel, "The Devil in the Wide City," we are giving away 10 copies of Justin's first...