The “Days of the Dead” horror convention is officially over and I can’t say enough about my experience. Besides rubbing elbows with werewolves and vampires, I was also able to sign books for readers and partake in some wonderful interviews, costume contests and ghoul bashes. Though I had to limit my visit to the first two days, they were a pair of days I’ll never forget. A special thanks to Aaron Tucker, John Mecha, the Sanchez Family and John Wroblewski.

Detective Sergeant Nathaniel Brannick loathes the world he lives in. Trapped in London during a period of disease, crime, and insatiable vices, he fights to keep his humanity after his wife falls ill from consumption. In order to manage his grief, Brannick turns to opium, but struggles to keep his addiction under control while continuing his police work. Then one night as he returns home from work, Nathaniel stumbles upon an eerie messenger in his flat who warns of darker things to come. The next day he takes a new case involving a victim who suffered from consumption. As he uncovers more clues, he cannot help but wonder if the practical man he once was has been altered by an investigation encompassed in the paranormal. That is until he meets the witch hunters and everything takes a turn for the worse.

Consumed wins "Next Best" in the 2020 Book of the Year Awards
Consumed faced off against fifty other BLKDOG Publishing titles to win Next Best in the 2020 Book of the Year Awards, losing by a mere three-percent for first place. It was a lot of fun, and thank you to everyone for the support.

Day of the Dead Book Signing Goes Horridly Well
Great Interview with John Wroblewski of Johngy's Beat
She's cagey, but I still love her.

Signing "Consumed" for a reader. Side Note: Every person who came by the booth was incredibly wonderful to talk to.

Trying to survive a horror movie with Chicago Artist and good friend, Aaron Tucker

A childhood friend of mine from Camp Crystal Lake.
Halloween Podcast Appearance on Blog Z
"The Written Word"
Have a listen to my guest appearance on Blog Z's "The Written Word." We talk about spooky movies, costumes, and of course books during the show. I make mention of my upcoming novel, "The Devil in the Wide City" as well as research I did in Transylvania for "Consumed."

"Consumed" is out on shelves and "The Devil in the Wide City"
comes out February 2016.

March 14-22
As part of our excitement for Justin Alcala's next novel, "The Devil in the Wide City," we are giving away 10 copies of Justin's first novel, "Consumed." Readers if you love Gothic-Horror mysteries, this is the book for you.