Justin Alcala's Short Story "The Offering" to Join Rogue Planet/Horrified Press's
Rogue Planet/Horrified Press has contracted the Justin Alcala short horror story, "The Offering" for their Cthulhu themed "Candlemas 2020" Anthology that will be available in book and electronic form. Keep an eye out for the anthology in December of 2020. What's Justin's story about? Here's a taste...
When Captain Garvey accidentally leads his crab vessel off course, his worst fears are that his crew will refuse to work for him next season. That is until his nephew, Danny, claims to see a drowned woman underneath the frigid depths. While Captain Garvey initially tries to convince Danny that it’s his imagination, he must concede when the crew later pulls the tangled woman from one of their crab pots. Danny swears that the beautiful unconsciou woman held in their galley was hideous when he last saw her, and is an omen of terrible things to come.